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Eco Wallpaper UV 500

Suitable as seamless photo wallpaper. Because large areas can be printed in one piece, this material can be applied to the wall completely without a seam.
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    Eco Wallpaper UV 500
    Eco Wallpaper UV is one of our materials suitable as seamless photo wallpaper. Because large areas can be printed in one piece, this material can be applied to the wall completely without a seam. The wallpaper is easy to apply and can be fitted with any print.

    Also suitable for uneven surfaces
    A major advantage of Eco Wallpaper UV is the fact that the material does not show through. As a result, it does not matter what color the substrate is. In addition, irregularities are made invisible thanks to a special composition.

    Easy to apply
    Just like normal wallpaper, Eco Wallpaper UV is easy to apply with wallpaper glue and a roller. An additional advantage is that the material can easily be kept clean with cleaning materials. However, be careful not to use corrosive agents. This can cause the ink of the print to deteriorate.

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